Lucky BOBI.Buddhist Ceremony in October:
Buddhist Shrine in Taiwan: 8F, No 308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242 TEL: 886-2-77161030 Mobile: 886-981817960 Line/WeChat: luckybobi168

December 24, 2012

【Week Buddhas】Wednesday - Phra Pang Oombaat & Phra Paang Palelai

4. Wednesday (Day) - Phra Pang Oombaat
Phra Pang Oombaat

There are 2 types of Buddha images represent Wednesday, divided into day and night.
It is common to see two images. One is a standing Buddha image holding an alms bowl. 
After four years in his ministry, Buddha journeyed to visit his father, younger brother 
and son. His father was appalled when Buddha "begged" for food holding an alms bowl. 
Buddha calmed his father informing him that the lineage of Buddhas was 
to perform pindabat, that is, to be available to followers who devotedly bring food. 
Still today, the virtue of giving is strong among Buddhist followers. 

Lucky colors for Wednesday Day Buddha: green color for decoration & furniture, 
subcolors are yellow, grey, crown flower color, cloud color, and ivory color. 
Avoid from using purple. 

Wednesday (Night) - Phra Paang Palelai

Also for Wednesday, an image for the evening is displayed. In ancient, 
astrologers had used 7 different Buddhas to represent 7 days a week. However,
there was lack of a representative story for northwest orientation in the eight trigrams. 
Therefore, Phra Paang Palelai became the representative for it. 

Phra Paang Palelai had deeply involved among the people to preach dharma 
with fearful attitude and benevolence. Many disciples were following after being 
influenced deeply and thus Phra Paang Palelai had formed a monks group. 
At the beginning, the monks were getting along well but later there were some 
monks with different opinions and always had conflict. Phra Paang Palelai 
was upset knowing about the matter and he went into the forest for practicing.   

When Buddha sought solitude to meditate undisturbedly, an elephant holding 
lotus flower and a monkey with honeycomb appeared and offered the flower 
and honeycomb to Buddha. Buddha was touched by them as even animals 
could stay together harmonily but why the human couldn’t do so? 
Buddha told the story to the monks and they were very ashamed and 
promised not to having dispute again. Therefore, this matter is also to remind 
people not to have dispute. 
The animals in the forest had brought him sustenance. Thus later it is also usual
 to see in a temple garden, a seated Buddha image with an elephant offering 
a bowl of fruit and an approaching monkey offering a honeycomb.

The Wednesday night time is set at 6pm to the next day 6am, or 18:00 to 24:00 
of the day according to people's own belief.]

Lucky colors for Wednesday night: Furniture & decorations should use cloud color, 
grey or black grey. Subcolors are yellow, ivory color, blue black, dark blue. 
Avoid from using yellow color.

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