People Born on Sunday
While ranked high, you are burdened with so much responsibility. It's suggested to wear Buddha amulets whose subjects show movements, like Phra Leela, Pang Perd Lok (the standing posture of a Buddha with both arms down and palms outward), Phra Sivali, Pang Prathan Phon ( the posture of a Buddha with one hand raised and fingers slightly curved inward), Phra Phut Ta Kwak (the posture of a Buddha with one hand raised as if beckoning money), etc.
Phra Sivali
People Born on Monday
You might be in a running-around job; hence it's suitable to wear Pang Samah Thi (meditation posture) amulets to cultivate the steadiness and calmness.
Pang Samah Thi (Meditation posture)
People Born on Tuesday
It's suggested to wear Buddha amulets bearing the effect of benevolence, like Phra Pidta, or amulets without the fire-burning process. Powder amulets-exclusively Phra Pidta, Phra Sivali, and Phra Sankachai-are the most appropriate.
People Born on Wednesday
Calm, generous, merciful, and endearing, all above adjectives could be used for depicting your characteristics.
Recommended: Phra Pidta Maha Ut; Phra Pang Thawaineth (the standing posture of a Buddha with hands crossed in front of the lower abdomen)

People Born on Thursday
Amulets under the fire-burning process could help strengthen the fate and bring good fortunes.
Recommended: Phra Kring
Phra Kring
People Born on Friday
To be enhanced with power and to take the lead, amulets with tiger figures should be your top choices, like metal tiger objects, amulets made of tiger teeth or tiger skin, and amulets with the portrait of the tiger or a monk riding on a tiger's back.

Luang Phor Pern riding on a tiger's back
People Born on Saturday
People Born on Saturday
Amulets whose subjects bear extraordinary postures, such as Pang Sadong Klab amulets, could protect you from money-cheating and help transform the bad fortunes into good ones.