Buddha Posture: Preaching to Mayadevi (mother of Buddha)
(Thai: ปางโปรดพุทธมารดา, pronounced "Pang Prot Phut Manda")
Buddha is sitting cross-legged, with his left hand placing on the leg, and his right hand is raising in front of the chest.
In other version of this Buddha posture "Preaching to Mayadevi", fingers of the raising right hand are slightly bending.
Related Story: Buddha preached the Abhidharma to Maha Maya (Mayadevi)
Seven days after Prince Siddhattha was born, Queen Maha Maya passed away. Her Sister, Maha Pajapati Gotami, who was the second consort of King Suddhodana, nursed and took care of the baby Prince. Queen Maha Maya was reborn as a male Deva by the name of Matu Deva Putta in the Tusita heaven. Later she passed away from the Tusita heaven to the Tavatimsa Heaven to hear the Abhidhamma, the Higher Teachings. The Buddha dispensed the Higher Teachings for three months in the Tavatimsa heaven to a multitude of Devas presided over by his former mother.
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